Adam's liver transplant
My son Adam needed a liver transplant otherwise he wouldn't have made it to school age.
On day three after his birth the pediatrician sent him to another hospital and that's when they realised that he had Ornithine Transcarbamylase Deficiency (OTCD) which resulted in liver damage that was very serious.
We waited for over a year to hear about a liver transplant and in that time we had numerous hospital stays and Adam's condition continued to progressively get worse.
He finally had his liver transplant and we stayed close to the hospital for a further three months in case of rejection. We finally returned home after 10 months away from friends and family.
My son was 17 months old when he had his liver transplant. He is now 12 years old and still going strong. We have been so lucky to be trouble free all this time.
We still go every six months for checkups and for blood to be taken for testing.
It's because of another family's decision to donate, that my son is here today. There are no words that can ever describe that feeling. We are forever grateful to our special donor family who made the right decision.
To know what they had to go through to do this - it is the worse decision any parent would ever have to make. They now know that part of their special little man is still living on inside my little man.
We keep in touch through letters to our special donor family. We always will.