Contact us

Urgent enquiries

If you are a health professional and have an urgent donation referral, please contact the Donation Specialist Coordinator at your local DonateLife Agency.

Registering or checking your registration

Registering is easy and only takes one minute on our Join the register form.

Getting a donor card or updating your details

You can contact Services Australia or go via your Medicare account on MyGov or on the Medicare Express app if you:

  • have not received your donor card
  • want to update your details on the register
  • need to replace a lost or damaged donor card.

Feedback and other enquiries

We welcome your feedback and other enquiries. You can contact us using this form:

Enter your name.


For enquiries about your Donor card (lost, damaged, stolen or haven’t received it), registration on the Australian Organ Donor Register (AODR) or updating your details, please contact the Department of Human Services who are responsible for administering the AODR. 
Phone: 1800 777 203 or email:


For complaints regarding your local DonateLife Network, please contact them directly. Contact details can be found on the DonateLife Network page


Enter your email address. Enter in correct email format e.g.
Enter an Australian postal code.
Enter a contact phone number. Enter in correct format, excluding letters and characters.

Addresses, phone numbers and office hours

Street address

Level 12, 12 Moore Street, Canberra ACT 2601

Postal address

GPO Box 802, Canberra ACT 2601

Office hours

9.00am to 5.00pm weekdays

Phone: (02) 5156 6662

Media enquiries only

Phone: 0403 058 662


For media enquiries specific to a state or territory, please contact the appropriate DonateLife Agency media contact.