Bill's story
I was merely existing before a kidney transplant 27 years ago.
I was sick and tired and would sometimes turn a “funny colour” of a morning. But by the time those symptoms presented, I already had acute kidney failure. I was 33 when I started to get high blood pressure. The doctors weren’t sure if the kidneys caused the blood pressure, or the blood pressure caused the kidneys to go. But that’s the thing about kidney disease, you often don’t know you have it until it’s too late. I was put on dialysis for four years before I got a kidney transplant. There was five of us that started on the dialysis together, and I’m the only one still here.
Once I got my transplant, whatever normal is, that’s what I feel now. I think of my donor nearly every day and really do think I’m the luckiest person you’ll talk to. I’m 76 years old and I couldn’t be more grateful for the past 27 years and a second chance at life. I couldn’t have done it without the support of my wife, children and grandchildren - all of whom share my deep gratitude and respect for my donor and the gift of life.