A friend's donation

A friend's donation

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I celebrate 10 years of being back to a normal lifestyle this year.

At 69 years old, I was diagnosed with renal failure and subsequently finished up on dialysis. This completely changed my lifestyle, as being on dialysis three times a week for three hourly sessions restricted my eating and drinking habits.

Coming off the dialysis machine I'd be terribly tired and not fit for anything, then the next day good as gold, then back on dialysis. Being too old to get on the transplant list the future looked pretty dim. After two and a half years on dialysis, a good friend of mine said he was going to give me a kidney, my mouth just dropped open. What a gift.

After blood, tissue and physical tests, the team at the Princess Alexandra Hospital decided to proceed with the transplant. I was 72 and my donor 74 years old. I think we were the oldest non related [kidney transplant] to be done in Australia.

I celebrate 10 years of being back to a normal lifestyle this year. There is a downside - I am on rejection drugs for the rest of my life. A small price to pay!

I cannot forget the excellent treatment and care I received from the staff at Toowoomba Renal Unit.