My second corneal graft in 25 years

My second corneal graft in 25 years

Heart Image
I am so grateful to my donors for giving me the chance for a better quality of life.

My first corneal graft occurred in the late eighties after being diagnosed with Kerataconus. The difference in my eye sight was remarkable. 

Things don't last forever though and in the past few years I had noticed that my eye sight was deteriorating again or worse. 

My original surgeon had since retired, so I was referred to a corneal specialist in Adelaide. He confirmed that my original graft had failed and was significantly deformed. 

Whilst I could live with the vision loss to a degree, the pain and discomfort was a concern.

I made the decision to go on the waiting list and within two months I received my second life changing phone call. It is early days since my operation but the signs are positive. 

I am so grateful to my donors for giving me the chance for a better quality of life. 

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.