New vision for a young artist

New vision for a young artist

Heart Image
I cherish my new cornea and the donor who so generously allowed me this gift.

I was driving along Mounts Bay Road to a clinic appointment last week and I was amazed by the shape of the ripples in the river and the crispness of lines in the big old trees. Once I arrived at the clinic, I found I could read one more line on the eye chart since last months visit! These 'small' joys make me realise the gift of sight is the most valuable thing I have ever received.

A couple of years ago when I was 18, I received my first corneal transplant. It was a tumultuous and exciting time for me. I had just moved out of my parent's house to a new city in order to study a fine art degree at university. I had been chosen to exhibit in the Year 12 Perspectives at the Art Gallery of WA. Since I was eight years old I had been coping with only one eye capable of vision with aids. That was until I got the call on a Friday and I was in surgery on the Monday.

Recovery was a challenge and journey, and it was often very hard to cope with. But everyday I experience amazing feats of vision that, as an artist and a person, are invaluable. I cherish my new cornea and the donor who so generously allowed me this gift.