Our angel Lucas

Lucas was an amazing little boy who brought so much enjoyment into our lives. Every day was an adventure and he would not let anything get in his way. He enjoyed playing with his sister and his friends, fishing with his dad and mucking around with his dog Jessie.
Lucas has a very special imagination and believed that the Transformers were real. Late one afternoon his uncle brought a very broken jet ski over which had the transformers logo on it. Lucas immediately thought that it was a real one and every day he would talk to it. We didn't have the heart to tell him that it was not real. The excitement in his eyes was just priceless, and the stories that we would hear were unforgettable.
Every day you would hear Lucas singing and laughing which brought a smile to everyone's face. He had a big beautiful heart, he was kind, caring, giving and he was a typical five-year-old with his whole life ahead of him.
Suddenly he became very ill and was diagnosed with Bacterial Meningitis. The wonderful team at Westmead Children's Hospital did everything that they could to help him, but to our horror Lucas was pronounced brain dead. We were given the opportunity to allow Lucas to donate his healthy organs and we knew that Lucas would want to help. He gave some very special people that much needed chance at a healthy life, and for that we are so very proud of our special little boy.
The love that we hold in our hearts will live on forever and our beautiful son Lucas will never be forgotten.