Rebecca's story
Rebecca lived a very full life even though she passed away from a heart attack due to Type 1 Diabetes and Hyperthyroidism.
The day I had always feared had finally come.
Rebecca had diabetes from the age of seven and was continually in and out of hospital. Despite her illnesses and struggles she got on with life and drained every drop out of the short life she had.
Rebecca enjoyed socialising and having fun, while also getting into a spot of trouble here and there. In other words she was a typical teenager who introduced me to grey hair at a young age.
She had just become engaged to the man of her dreams and enrolled in TAFE. She was excited that her future seemed brighter than ever before.
During her many admissions into hospital we would spend a lot of time talking about what she wanted if she should die. As I am from a medical family we openly discussed issues such as organ donation. It was natural to talk about this with my own children and relatives.
It gave our family comfort to know that in her death an opportunity for a better life was given to four other people. Two kidneys and two corneas were donated.
I received a letter which made me smile from one of the recipients of a kidney. Hearing directly from a recipient really gave my family great comfort.
The Honourable Chris Hayes MP has shared Rebecca's story in Federal Parliament to highlight the importance of families talking about the issue. Rebecca's story helped to promote the importance of the Australian Organ Donor Register. While she is no longer with us her organs and her story continue to make a difference to many.