Something good out of something tragic

Something good out of something tragic

Heart Image
When they rang for our permission it was easy for us to grant it.

At 29 years of age our son was killed in an incident at work.  It was an unexpected, preventable death.

On that day, one of the first phone calls we received was from a tissue bank. Our son was not registered as a donor at the time but we had often talked about donation as our other son is registered.

When they rang for our permission it was easy for us to grant it.  We gave our consent to use whatever they could, as we knew our son would have wanted to do that.

They were able to use our son's two main heart valves to save the lives of two others, a couple of rib bones for reconstruction of a person's face and some skin from his legs and back to help burn victims.

Although we will never get over the loss of our son it is a comfort to know that he was able to help others to have a better quality of life.