Sienna - cornea recipient, VIC

Thirteen-year-old Sienna was born with a rare congenital condition called Goldenhar Syndrome. The condition causes malformation of the face and head and benign growths of the eye.
Sienna was born with a large tumour in her right eye. Her parents Alison and Greg knew she would one day need a cornea transplant if she were to have any chance of having vision in that eye.
Thanks to the decision someone made to become an eye donor, Sienna received the incredible gift of a cornea.
Aged five, Sienna underwent delicate surgery to remove the tumour and have the donor cornea transplanted.
Though the result didn't provide fully functional vision in Sienna’s right eye, it did provide a cosmetic change that helped increase Sienna’s confidence; and it gave her family comfort in the knowledge they had tried every avenue to assist Sienna.
"Sienna is quite resilient and is the most beautiful person,” says Sienna’s mum, Alison. “She understands what has happened and knows that somebody died and gave her a cornea. She's very proud to be unique and different. Now she has the confidence to take acting classes, she loves roller-skating and knee-boarding.”
Says Alison, "For us it was ever so important to at least try. The gift of sight is wonderful, for those who have it. For those who don't, donation can give a child the opportunity to see a sibling for the first time, or to see a beautiful flower. We are forever grateful for such a selfless gift.”