Some updates to our website

Some updates to our website
Some updates to our website

You may have noticed things are looking a bit different here – we’ve made some changes to our website to make it easier for people to find and better understand information about organ donation in Australia.

Over the past few months, we’ve gathered input from people across Australia including supporters, people with lived experience and people who haven’t even heard of DonateLife to help inform the changes we’ve made.

The enhanced website focusses on:

  • increasing the number of people on the Australian Organ Donation Register
  • providing the facts about organ and tissue donation
  • supporting our enthusiastic community partners and volunteer advocates
  • helping donor families to memorialise their loved ones while also inspiring those currently undergoing the transplantation process.

The site has a new look and feel making information easier to find, read and understand – helping to make your decision to register as organ and tissue donor as simple as possible.

We have focussed on simplified navigation, enhanced imagery and improved accessibility and usability for vision and hearing-impaired visitors.

Our community of donor families, recipients, volunteers, partners and supporters are at the core of what we do which is why you will see more donation stories, engaging content and educational resources throughout the website.

We hope you find the updates fresh and easy to navigate. There will be more updates to come including further engaging content, news, events and informative resources, so keep an eye out and if you have any suggestions or things you’d like to see, please let us know.