DonateLife Australian Capital Territory

DonateLife ACT coordinates all organ and tissue donor activities across the territory. It works with hospitals and hospital-based DonateLife medical and nursing specialists to provide professional donation services and encourage best practice to increase donation rates.

DonateLife ACT activities include:

  • raising awareness about organ and tissue donation
  • encouraging discussion about donation
  • educating health professionals about the donation process
  • offering care and support to donor families.

Get involved and volunteer with DonateLife ACT

DonateLife ACT is always looking for local volunteers. To find out more please contact:

Wendy Barber Phone:
0403 662 074

Our volunteers are integral to increasing awareness of organ and tissue donation across the ACT. Our volunteers may include:

  • transplant recipients
  • family members (recipient and donor families)
  • general community members.

Our volunteers take part in activities and events all over the ACT, including information displays, community talks and media opportunities.

Contact DonateLife ACT

General enquiries

The Canberra Hospital
Building 2, Level 3, Room 007, Yamba Drive, Garran ACT 2606

PO Box 11, Woden ACT 2606

Phone: (02) 5124 5625
Fax: (02) 5124 2405


Contacting the on-call DonateLife specialist coordinator

Call the Canberra Hospital on (02) 5124 0000 (24 hours) and ask for the on-call organ and tissue donor coordinator.

Media & Communications contacts

Lisa Doble
Phone: 0478 276 806

Wendy Barber
Phone: 0403 662 074


DonateLife ACT team

Sean Chan

State Medical Director – Sean Chan

Dr Sean Chan is a Senior Staff Specialist in Intensive Care Medicine, State Medical Director for DonateLife ACT and Deputy Director of ACT Trauma Service. He graduated from the University of Newcastle, Australia. Formative years in medicine included time working in the NHS, where an interest in Intensive Care Medicine first developed. He has been in Canberra Hospital since 2010 and has previously acted as ICU Clinical Director.

Outside medicine, Sean is a reformed road cyclist turned trail runner, prone to cramps and profanity. Having tucked a few ultramarathons under his belt, has sights on longer, ever more painful distances. He aspires to finishing a 100 miler some day. Outside the hospital, he is often slightly lost, alone and out of breath in the wilderness for as long as his legs and family allow. He is also a very amateur martial artist, woodworker and musician.

Agency Manager – Nadia Burkolter

Agency Manager – Nadia Burkolter

Nadia Burkolter has been working in the field of organ and tissue donation as a nursing coordinator both in the ACT and NSW since 2005. She is passionate about excellent end of life care and believes everyone should be given an opportunity to have their donation wishes fulfilled.

Nadia has been a registered nurse for over 20 years and has a background in Neurosciences’ Intensive Care Nursing (both in Sydney and London). Nadia was a Stroke Clinical Nurse Consultant for many years.

She has a Graduate Certificate in Critical Care and a Masters in Clinical Practice.

After relocating her young family from Sydney to Canberra, Nadia continues to enjoy leading the DonateLife ACT team.

DonateLife ACT staff

DonateLife ACT is comprised of donation specialist medical and nursing staff. The highly skilled team of organ and tissue donation specialists support families throughout their loved ones’ donation journey and beyond.

DonateLife ACT has a clinical psychologist to support donor families as well as hospital staff. In addition to facilitating organ and tissue donation, staff provide education, information management, communication/media and administrative support.