Professional statements

On this page you will find statements from Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society (ANZICS) and the Australian College of Critical Care Nurses (ACCCN).

The Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society (ANZICS)

The ANZICS is the leading advocate for medical intensive care practice. The ANZICS Committee on Death and Organ Donation represents the society’s interests in matters related to neurological and circulatory determination of death, and organ and tissue donation.

The committee is responsible for developing and promoting these statements.

Statement on Death and Organ Donation

This statement provides a standard for intensivists and other healthcare workers in relation to the neurological and circulatory determination of death and the conduct of organ and tissue donation.

This statement provides assurance that determination of death and organ and tissue donation is undertaken with diligence, integrity, respect and compassion, and in accordance with available medical evidence and societal expectations.

Brain Death Determination Statement

This statement summarises the evidence-based approach used in Australia for determination of brain death by intensive care specialists (now referred to as determination of neurological death). It is intended to assure the community that the tests described are necessary and sufficient for diagnosis and confirmation of brain death. It describes the circumstances in which further testing, such as brain blood flow imaging, is required.

This statement helps to ensure public confidence in the Australian process of organ and tissue donation and the clinical process for determining neurological death. This confidence is essential for individuals and families when making decisions about donation.

Circulatory Death Determination Statement

The Circulatory Death Determination Statement summarises the approach used in Australia for determination of circulatory death by intensive care specialists.

This statement helps to ensure public confidence in the Australian process of organ and tissue donation and the clinical process for determining circulatory death. This confidence is essential for individuals and families when making decisions about donation.

The Australian College of Critical Care Nurses (ACCCN)

The Australian College of Critical Care Nurses (ACCCN) is the peak professional nursing association representing critical care nurses throughout Australia. ACCCN supports initiatives to promote and enhance the role of all critical care nurses within the health professional team. 

ACCCN Position Statement on Organ and Tissue Donation: The Role of Critical Care Nurses

Organ and tissue donation processes vary across Australian states and territories. This position statement provides evidence-based guidance to support the provision of high-quality care for potential organ donors and their families, regardless of location.”